Monday, July 13, 2009

Crappy Job

Well, we have lived here for 4 years next month and we have never had the septic pumped, so rather than waiting for an emergency, we thought it was time to just do it. I am told this was a very easy tank to dig out because it was less than a foot deep. Many are 3 to 4 feet deep. All I had was a crude hand-drawn map to locate the tank so a little extra digging was required to locate the 2 lids.

I am going to take exact measurements to the center of the lids and even take a couple of pictures so the next poor guy that has to dig this out has an exact place to dig. A pooper of a job.


Chad, Chelsea, Dawson and Jett Davis said...

Oh man! that really stinks!

Velvet said...

Sorry I missed that fun event!